Did you know that life coaching can be a game-changer for women navigating the challenges of menopause?

Woman in a sweater sitting and thinking.

Did you know that life coaching can be a game-changer for women navigating the challenges of menopause? At Create Your Dreams, our certified hypnotherapist and mindset coach specializes in helping women overcome menopausal symptoms and create their dream lives. Here’s why life coaching is essential during this transformative phase: ✨ Develop Positive Structured Habits: Menopause…

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Is Menopause a disease?

Some women believe that menopause is a condition that requires medical treatment, rather than a natural transition. When it comes to menopause, it’s important to remember that this is a natural transition for women – not a condition or disease. While it can be uncomfortable and be disruptive, there are ways to manage the symptoms…

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Limiting Beliefs Around Menopause

A beautiful rose flower with a sprinkle of water

Menopause is a sign of aging and loss: Many women feel that menopause signals the loss of youth and vitality, leading to negative feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. Menopause is a normal part of a woman’s life, and it doesn’t have to equate to the end of youth. In fact, embracing the change can mean…

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